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Tuesday 11/19/2013 WOD

By: 6 Comments

Warm up
400 Meter row
2 sets of
45 secs work
15 secs rest
High knees
Inch Worms

EMOTM for 6Mins
Odd Mins
5 Strict Pull ups /10 Push ups
Even mins
5 Strict T2B/ 5 Strict Ring dips

If unable to do a strict pull up, use a light band. Or perform 10 Ring rows to chest

If unable to do strict ring dips
Hold on to rings for 20 secs

Training (Met-Con)
“COLT 45”
45 Cal Row
45 Box Jumps (24/20)
45 Kettle Bell swings (53/35)
45 Burpees
45 Cal Row

Scale options
Scale size of box
Step up
Scale load on KB or perform Russian KB swings
Scale # of reps

Comments: 6

  1. 15:21 Rx… I’m thinkin the House Music had something to do with my hustle today. Thanks James….. now lets get those muscle ups!

  2. Obsessed with the Eminem music – Lose Yourself was the only thing getting me through those burpees… Thanks James!

  3. 15:23 RX –

    Somewhere in the middle of the burpee set was the transition from: “I got this” to “I so dont have this”; dtito on music and coaching.

    great workout;

  4. 18:18 Rx

    That was just devious. Every important muscle group for each exercise was totally wrecked by the previous movement. The box jumps and burpees were particularly brutal for me.

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