Tuesday 12/3/2013 WOD
Warm up
400 Meter row/run/ Ski
3 sets of
5 Inch Worms
5 Squat stretches
5 Russian KB Swings( light)
10 Supermans
Front Squats
Training (Met-Con)
10 Min Ascending Ladder
2-4-6-8-10 etc…
Squat cleans (135/95)
Hand Release push ups
Scale options
Scale weight on Squat cleans
Sub squat cleans with med ball cleans
Sammy tells us how do you feel after “Fight Gone Bad”?
2013 12 02
10 rds + 5 reps @ 115
12 Rds + 1 Rep RX
Squat cleans are like scotch: as much as I try to like them, I’m always left feeling angry afterward.
12 rounds + 6 reps… prepping for B.O.T.F!!!!!
10 rounds + 2 reps – 115; things went for okay to not-so-okay in a hurry;
nice work all;