Tuesday 8/13/2013 WOD
Warm up
Single jump rope 2 mins
Double under practice
Tips on posture for Double Unders
2 sets of
10 Wall balls
10 burpee with med ball
10 Hip swings with med ball
20 russian twist with med ball
5 sets of
10 (5 each side) Turkish-Get ups
Training (Met-con)
9 Rounds
After every 3 rounds rest for 3 Mins. Clock will remain running, score will be total time duration with the rest included.
10 Chest to bar pull ups (scale chin over bar/ scale with bands/ scale with 15 ring rows)
20 Kb Swings (53/35)
40 Double Unders (Scale DU with 80 single’s)
The point is to go hard for 3 rounds. Take that rest and continue pushing yourself through the next wave of three rounds. Get one more rest and hit is as hard as you can for the final 3 rounds. This will help you to increase your work capacity and your power out put. (CrossFit geek talk)
Go ham, get swole!
2013 08 12
9 ROunds – 25:30 – singles – fortunately didn’t have any early appointments!!
barely made it to work on time, but it was worth it. 9 rounds – 30 min (35 lb kb, an assortment of pull-ups, DUs)
Granted I’m operating at 60% with a pretty bad cold (sorry 5:30 AM) but that was probably one of the hardest programmed WODs I’ve been a part of. Got through 5 rounds (RX American KBs, Regular Pull-ups (not C2B), Double unders). Whining and complaining the whole time before I cut myself off. Each of the movements require grip and forearm strength, making it that much harder. Good look PMers.
I agree with Jeff. I thought this was hard (and I don’t have a cold!). Completed 7 rounds (ring rows, singles) before leaving to make it to work on time. Not sure what would’ve happened to me after 9 rounds, as I already had trouble beating eggs for breakfast with my incredibly tired forearms…