Tuesday 8/20/2013 WOD
Warm up
3 sets of
10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
10 V-ups
Dynamic Stretches
Barbell clean progression
4 sets of
Clean pulls:
2 Floor to shin
2 Hang to high hang
100% 1 RM
Rest 90 seconds in between sets
Training (Met-con)
Barbell Complex
“Big Rig”
5 sets of
1 Min Work-2 Min rest
2 Squat Cleans
2 Hang Power Cleans
MAX Hand Release push ups in remaining time within the minute
Hang Power clean CrossFit demo with Miranda
The goal is to get as heavy as you can without dropping the bar before the complex is through. If you are successful through the complex you MUST increase weight. That is a non-negotiable. If you are unsuccessful, stay at that weight and finish the complex.
Scaled/ Level 1 (Beginner new-3 Months of CF experience)
5 sets of
2 Front Squats
2 Push Press
Max Hand release push ups in remaining time within the minute
The goal is to get as heavy as you can without dropping the bar before the complex is through. If you are successful through the complex you MUST increase weight. That is a non-negotiable. If you are unsuccessful, stay at that weight and finish the complex.
2013 08 19
140 lbs / 78 hrpu
145 lbs/71 HRPSU. Failed on last 2 hang cleans at 155
Nice work guys! Very Jealous of this one. If I can figure out a way to double up my workouts tomorrow, I’d love to give this a shot.