Tuesday, Dec. 27 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Pull ups and muscle ups
10 minute EMOM:
Level 1: 3-5 banded strict pull ups
Level 2: 5-7 kipping pull ups or 3-5 kipping C2B
Level 3: 5-7 butterfly pull ups or 1-3 ring muscle ups
Level 3+: 1-3 strict ring muscle ups
For time:
20 calorie row
20 power snatches (95/65)
25 calorie row
25 shoulder to overhead (115/75)
30 calorie row
30 front squats (135/95)
For time:
20 calorie row
20 dumbbell snatches
25 calorie row
25 dumbbell push press
30 calorie row
30 goblet squats
One bar per person. Change weight as you go.
2016 12 26