Tuesday, Oct. 10 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Mobility: The OHS is a great movement for both athletes and coaches to identify weaknesses. It’s physically demanding and requires a lot of mobility. This is a great video that helps A) identify the weak areas and B) shows you how to fix them.
Warm up
1 round of:
5 dislocates
10 good mornings
:20 hang from pull up bar
5 scap pull ups
2 rounds of:
5 tall muscle snatches
5 duck walks
10 kip swings
Snatch + OHS
Work to heavy set of complex
20 minute AMRAP:
400m run
Max reps pull ups
Every time you come off the bar, run again.
20 minute AMRAP:
400m run
15 pull ups
If your best set of pull ups is fewer than 10, do “Nicolette.”
2017 10 09