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September 22, 2012 – Civilian Military Combine – NYC Urban Assault


The CrossFit Games ended over a month ago, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve still got a bit of the competition bug lingering. For the past year or so, a couple of injuries kept me away from competition, and at times kept me away from training altogether. I saw local and regional competitions approach and pass, all the while I longed to be amidst the competitors, pitting my fitness against theirs and testing my mental fortitude in the face of this challenge or that. I have grown both as an athlete and as a person through competition, so I’m here today to rally the troupes and step back into the arena. Our friends over at the Civilian Military Combine have thrown together a brilliant event, and I want EVF and CrossFit Upper East Side to dominate on September 22! Check out the video below, courtesy of Civilian Military Combine, to see what’s in store at the NYC Urban Assault!


If you’re wondering if this event is right for you, I ask you this: Why do you CrossFit? What exactly are you trying to get out of the work that you’re putting in? We all have our own reasons, and those reasons are undoubtedly as varied as our community. I would bet, however, that at the heart of each of those reasons lies a desire to live a healthier life. To look better. To perform better. To feel better. We CrossFit so that we can be physically active and enjoy the life that we want to live, as opposed to be limited by our strength, flexibility or confidence. We do it so that we can wake up in the morning without the stiffness and soreness that accompanies a sedentary life. As human beings, we are compelled to play – to run, swim, jump, lift, push, pull, squat and more. We work hard in the gym to get stronger and restore mobility, and I urge you to take this opportunity–or any other that makes your inner child want to get out and play.


I’ve seen plenty of mud races (think Tough Mudder, Run Amuck, Spartan Race, etc.), but this is no ordinary mud race or obstacle-ridden trail run. Don’t get me wrong, I think ALL of those events sound like a blast, and I fully intend to compete in those at some point as well. But a stroke of diabolical genius inspired the guys at CMC to step it up a notch by introducing The PIT, which is a nasty little AMRAP comprised of 4 iconic CrossFit movements. You’re given 90 seconds at each station to get as many repetitions as possible, and 30 seconds to recover and move to the next station. Sound at all like what you do in the gym every day? After the PIT you get to test your mettle on the 5 mile military obstacle course. It is going to be a fun event, and I hope to see as many EVF shirts and faces there as possible. The spirit of competition and camaraderie is contagious and it is exciting. The event is fast approaching, and we have the option of entering a male team, a female team, or a coed team. Please send us an email as soon as possible if you’re interested, so that we can create the appropriate team and get organized for the event. Once we have a team registered we also plan to organize a ‘Meetup’ with the folks at CMC to run our members through a simulation of The PIT. This will give you a chance to experience the buzz and excitement of a CrossFit competition and give you a feel for what to expect come race day.


It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. – Theodore Roosevelt


Civilian Military Combine – NYC Urban Assault

Date: Septwmber 22, 2012

Location: Brooklyn, New York

Price: $120 before August 24th. $130 before September 14th. $160 on race day.

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