Wednesday 10/23/2013 WOD
Warm up
W an Empty Barbell
3 sets of
10 Dead lifts
10 Push presses
2 sets of
5 Inch worms
10 Jumpsquats
15 burpees
Complete the following complex in sequence without dropping the bar
1 power Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Jerk
Build as heavy as you can in 20 mins
Take 2-3 mins rest between sets
Training (Met-Con)
3 rounds
15 Push Presses (95/65) (115/80)
13/15 Cal Row
Rest 2 mins between each round
Score is total time of 3 rounds minus the rest
Scale options
scale load on the push press
2013 10 22
built up to 155 on strength
Wod – 4:04 @ 95#