Wednesday 1/1/2014 WOD Happy New Year
Warm up
W a PVC pipe
3 sets of
10 Pass Throughs
10 muscle snatches
10 over Head squats
10 Duck walks
10 Sots presses
10 Snatch Balance
10 Hang Snatches
Training (Met-Con)
“Double dose of Alkaseltzer”
In teams of 2
20 Rounds
200 Meter row
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Hand Release Push ups
10 Wall Balls (20/14)(10ft/9ft targets)
Each partner completes 10 rounds each. One partner must finish a movement, then the other partner goes. Only one partner can work at a time.
Scale options:
Scale height of box/Step up
Scale # of rounds
Scale weight of wall ball
2013 12 31