Wednesday 12/4/2013 WOD
Warm up
3 sets of
50 Single jump ropes or Double Unders
10 planks 2 Push ups
10 Rings to chest
10 Sonics
3 rounds no measure
5 Strict Chest to bar Pull ups
6 Pistols
Practice the above skill movements with no clock. Go through the movement with the intention of perfecting them.
Training (Met-Con)
20 Min AMRAP
200 Meter run
10 Toes to bar
15 Plate Ground to Over Head (45/25)
2013 12 03
6 rounds + run K2E
5 rds + 200m Rx
6 Rounds + Row
We all know how I love my running, this WOD was awesome!! Thanks James!
9 + 200m and 4 T2B