Wednesday, Aug. 12 CrossFit Workout of the Day
At-home mobility | Focus: 10-minute squat test
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
12 reverse lunge w/pvc pass thru
5 inch worms
12 ring rows
Back squat
Performance: 6×3 @ 75%
Fitness: 3×5 across
Burpee + clean ladder @ 60% of 1RM
EMOM style ladder. Add one rep to each exercise every minute. Minute 1, perform 1 burpee and 1 clean. Minute 2, perform 2 burpees and 2 cleans. Continue in this manner until you cannot perform the number of reps in the given minute. These are full squat cleans.
Can you maintain good technique and mechanics in the clean while fatigued?
2015 08 11