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Wednesday, Dec. 20 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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Mobility: Ever wonder how to get you body ready for rowing? Just like with all mobilizations for movement, you want to work the area of restriction. Dark Horse can show you what you need to know.

Warm up
5 minutes:
10 squats
5 strict pull ups
10 back extensions
10 hollow rocks

Barbell warm up
2 rounds:
3 Romanian deadlifts
3 clean pulls
3 muscle cleans
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 squat cleans
3 push presses
3 back squats

Bear complex
5 sets for max load

Bear Complex = 1 clean + 1 front squat + 1 shoulder to overhead + 1 back squat + 1 shoulder to overhead (behind neck)

2k row