Wednesday, Jan. 10 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Tight hamstrings? Try rolling out the bottom of your feet with either a lax or tennis ball. A couple minutes on each foot will break of the fascia make a noticeable difference.
Warm up
6 minutes:
10 DB Romanian deadlifts
5/5 single-leg glute bridges
10 PVC v-ups
10 minute EMOM
Minute 1 – 10 deadlifts @ 55%
MInute 2 – 10 toes to bar
6 minute AMRAP:
10 wall balls (20/14)
15 KBS (70/53)
Rest 3 minutes
6 minute AMRAP:
10 DB power cleans (50/35)
10 DB front rack lunges (50/35)
2018 01 09