Wednesday, June 29 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Mobility: Try these 4 mobility drills out before snatches today . Be sure to start unloaded and move to loaded once you’re warmed up.
2 rounds w/ empty barbell:
5 snatch pulls
5 hang muscle snatch
5 hang power snatch
5 snatch balance
5 Sotts press
Snatch pull + hang power snatch + hang snatch
E2MOM for 12 minutes (6 sets), ascending
Moderate weight, not a max
Snatch pull + 2 hang power snatch
E2MOM for 12 minutes, across
This week’s focus:
Staying back throughout the pull
Finishing the third pull
Every 3 minutes for 9 minutes, complete 1 round of:
12 pull ups
10 front rack lunges (115/75)
8 power snatches (115/75)
Every 3 minutes for 9 minutes, complete 1 round of:
12 jumping pull ups
10 KB front rack lunges
8 hang power snatches
Scale reps up or down as needed. Rest should be roughly a minute, give or take.
2016 06 28