Wednesday, June 7 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Mobility: After snatches, overhead squats and presses the past two days, your shoulders might be feeling a big smoked. Be sure to mobilize post workout to recover them and reduce soreness.
Warm up
6 minutes:
10 ring rows
10 scap push ups
10 shoulder Y’s
10 banded pull aparts
Performance: 85%, 4×3
Fitness: 4×3, across
8-minute AMRAP:
1 deadlift (@ 1RM back squat weight)
3 strict hspu
20 double unders
Rest 5 minutes
8-minute AMRAP:
7 burpees
14 KBS (70/53)
21 sit ups
8-minute AMRAP:
1 deadlift (heavy)
3 strict DB/KB press
40 single unders
Rest 5 minutes
8-minute AMRAP:
7 burpees
14 Russian KBS
21 sit ups
2017 06 06