Wednesday, March 4 CrossFit Workout of the Day
A short word on the new cycle from Coach Brandon:
As stated in Monday’s blog post, this new cycle will only be 6 weeks instead of the standard 8-week cycle. We will continue to focus on skill as it coincides with the Open.
Our Monday strength will be front squat but will have higher rep count. Wednesday we will have clean and jerk and really try to focus on the transition to the jerk. Thursdays we will practice gymnastics with some skill-building strength. Friday will be a snatch pulling cycle. We’ll be training only the snatch pull, aiming to control a heavy bar in the proper bar path.
After one week of the Open down, our boxes have made an impressive showing. Keep up the focus and hard work and after the Open, we’ll hit the barbell hard. Have an amazing next 4 weeks!
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
2 wall walks
10 goblet squats
15 ring rows
Clean and jerk
Fitness: Clean pull + 2 power clean + power jerk
Performance: Clean pull + 2 power clean + split jerk
6-minute AMRAP:
10 dumbbell burpee deadlifts (40/20)
10 toes to bar
Rest 2 minutes
6-minute AMRAP:
10 hang squat snatches (95/65)
10 box jumps
6-minute AMRAP:
10 burpees
10 knees to elbows/weighted v-ups
Rest 2 minutes
6-minute AMRAP:
10 hang power snatches*
10 box jumps
*Scale snatches further with plate ground to overhead
2015 03 03