Westside Athlete Spotlight of the month
We are very excited to announce this months Westside Athlete Spotlight of the month is……
Glenn Gans
We caught up to the action star himself and asked him a few questions about his journey at EVF CF
How/when did you get involved in CrossFit? What has motivated you to stick with it?
I have lifted weights since I was 16 years old. It was the only thing that allowed me to put on weight. After 21 years of the same routines, I was bored with traditional workouts. I started CrossFit at CrossFit Giant in Edgewater, followed by CrossFit Hell’s Kitchen and finally EVF Columbus Circle when it opened. Seeing my performance in skiing moguls, riding motocross or obstacle racing improve every year has motivated me to stick with it.
What do you enjoy most about being a member at EVF?
There is a great sense of community. The coaches and athletes really care.
Do you remember your first workout? Looking back how did it go?
It was not pretty. Although I had been lifting for years, I never practiced Olympic lifts and my first non on-ramp workout involved snatches.
What were your goals when you first started? How have they changed?
My goals at first were more generic to be a better athlete. I now have specific goals to squat, clean, and perform some benchmark workouts.
How have you grown in that time — health, body, mind, etc.?
Because I am plagued with the problem most people seem to want (I lose weight if I think about it) I have adopted a modified paleo diet, as I need the carbs. CrossFit workouts tire me out in ways a never thought possible, which also seem to release all the tension built up from life’s stresses.
Favorite lift and WOD?
Handstand push-ups and box jumps are my favorite exercises so any WOD that includes them.
Least favorite movement and workout?
Snatches are still a difficult movement for me, so Isabel.
What drives you through the door each day?
I want to be healthy and active and there for my kids 100%. I am blessed to have two girls that have already competed in three Spartan races, rock climb, hike, ski, ride quads, and they are only 4 and 6 years old.
Do you have any advice for new members?
Learn to love what you hate. Scale the exercises so you can keep a good pace and not get hurt.
What do you hope to achieve in the coming year?
I want to finish in the Spartan Beast World Championship in the top 10%. This year I hit the top 20%.
Awesome stuff Glenn! Now all you need is some real life pictures of you doing CrossFit 🙂
Glen is an avid out doors kind of guy. He is an impassioned Spartan racer and a hell of an athlete. It is why CF works best for his goals and his abilities. Glenn is an all around great guy. He is coachable, approachable and is entrenched with our new founding community here on the Westside.
We look forward to seeing him rock his goals of 10% but in our book, he is already a beast.
2014 10 13