Workout of the day – Friday December 20th
Warm up
6 min AMRAP:
5/side thoracic extensions
5 PVC Cuban presses
10 ring rows
Shoulder press (10 min)
The below % load are based on 90% of your most recent shoulder press 1RM as a reference
5 reps at 75% 1RM
3 reps at 85% 1RM
MAX effort reps at 95% 1RM (should exceed 2 reps).
Rest as needed between sets.
Split jerks (10 min)
3×4 at 75-80% of C&J 1RM
Conditioning (15 min)
4 rounds of:
1 min amrap: cleans 145/110 lbs
Immediately followed by:
1 min amrap: lateral bar burpees
Immediately followed by:
1 min amrap: jerks 145/110 lbs
Rest 1min between rounds
The goal is 30+ reps every round across the 3 movements each round.
Note: There is no rest between the 3 amraps. The goal is to perform quick singles or sets of 3-4 on the cleans, and sets of 5+ on the jerks. Aim for 15-16 burpees each round.
Part A
16 min alternating EMOM:
12 double DB seated presses
24 plate Russian twists
12 lateral DB raises
6 KB Turkish situps per side
Part B
For time:
Dumbbell thrusters 50/35 lbs
DB facing burpees
Time cap: 16 min
2024 12 19