Workout of the day – Friday December 6th
Warm up
6 min AMRAP:
5 inchworm with pushups
5 hang clusters
5 strict presses in split stance
Shoulder press (12 min)
The below % load are based on 90% of your most recent shoulder press 1RM as a reference
5 reps at 65% 1RM
5 reps at 75% 1RM
MAX effort reps at 85% 1RM (should exceed 5 reps).
Rest as needed between sets.
Split jerks (12 min)
3×6 at 65-70% of C&J 1RM
10 min AMRAP:
12 KB snatches 24/16 kg
10 burpees
8 handstand pushups
Goal: 4+ rounds
Scaling: You should be able to perform the snatches mostly unbroken, and the pushups should be scaled to allow for them to be performed in under 30 sec each round.
Part A
Alternating EMOM, 20 min, 5 rounds:
20 leg pikes over dumbbell/KB
10 seated double DB shoulder presses
5/arm paused single arm DB bent over row (2 sec pause at the top)
5 lying DB overhead pull overs
Part B
10 min AMRAP:
12 KB snatches 24/16 kg
10 burpees
8 handstand pushups
Goal: 4+ rounds
Scaling: You should be able to perform the snatches mostly unbroken, and the pushups should be scaled to allow for them to be performed in under 30 sec each round.
2024 12 05