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Workout of the day – Friday December 6th

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:
5 inchworm with pushups
5 hang clusters
5 strict presses in split stance

Shoulder press (12 min)

The below % load are based on 90% of your most recent shoulder press 1RM as a reference
5 reps at 65% 1RM
5 reps at 75% 1RM
MAX effort reps at 85% 1RM (should exceed 5 reps).
Rest as needed between sets.

Split jerks (12 min)

3×6 at 65-70% of C&J 1RM


10 min AMRAP:
12 KB snatches 24/16 kg
10 burpees
8 handstand pushups

Goal: 4+ rounds
Scaling: You should be able to perform the snatches mostly unbroken, and the pushups should be scaled to allow for them to be performed in under 30 sec each round.


Part A
Alternating EMOM, 20 min, 5 rounds:
20 leg pikes over dumbbell/KB
10 seated double DB shoulder presses
5/arm paused single arm DB bent over row (2 sec pause at the top)
5 lying DB overhead pull overs

Part B
10 min AMRAP:
12 KB snatches 24/16 kg
10 burpees
8 handstand pushups

Goal: 4+ rounds
Scaling: You should be able to perform the snatches mostly unbroken, and the pushups should be scaled to allow for them to be performed in under 30 sec each round.