Workout of the day – Friday January 3rd
Warm up
3 rounds:
10 bootstrap squats
10 glute bridges
200m run
Then 1 min couch stretch per leg
Bulgarian split squats
4 sets of 8 reps per leg
Rest as needed between sets.
Begin at aroun 25-30 % of your back squat and build up if possible
For time:
500m row
Note: this is a max effort workout, set the screen on 500m, send it and compare to 12/3.
Core conditioning
12 min alternating EMOM (3 rounds):
20 leg pikes over dumbbell/KB
5/arm paused single arm DB bent over row (2 sec pause at the top)
8 strict toes to bar / hanging knee raises
Part A
Alternating EMOM, 15 min:
10 burpees to 6″ target
10 single dumbbell box step ups 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in
10 double KB deadlifts 24/16 kg
Notes: scale the reps/movements to get ~15s rest or more each minute
Part B
For time:
500m row
Note: this is a max effort workout, set the screen on 500m, send it and compare to 12/3.
Part C
12 min alternating EMOM (3 rounds):
20 leg pikes over dumbbell/KB
5/arm paused single arm DB bent over row (2 sec pause at the top)
8 strict toes to bar / hanging knee raises
2025 01 02