Workout of the day – Friday January 7th
Warm up
Row/ski/bike for 2 min, then snatch Bergeron warm up with your coach
Olympic lifting and conditioning
On a continuous running clock:
from 0:00 to 12:00, every 90s (8 rounds):
3 snatch grip deadlifts + 2 hang power snatches + 1 snatch
from 12:00 to 24:00, EMOM:
1 snatch
from 24:00 to 26:00, rest
from 26:00 to 38:00, AMRAP:
6/arm KB cleans 24/16 kg
12 hang power snatches 75/55 lbs
18 pull ups
** keep the weight moderately light on the snatch if you are coming to test your crossfit total on Saturday
On a continuous running clock:
from 0:00 to 10:00, AMRAP:
6 KB burpee deadlifts
6 KB sumo deadlift high-pulls
12 abmat situps
from 10:00 to 12:00, rest.
from 12:00 to 22:00:
Row for distance
from 22:00 to 24:00, rest
from 24:00 to 36:00, AMRAP:
6/arm KB cleans 24/16 kg
12 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs
18 pull ups / ring rows
2022 01 06