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Workout of the day – Friday July 19th 2024

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

10 banded pullaparts

10 floor slides

5 inch works with pushups

5 kipping swings


Take 10 min to work up to a single snatch of ~80%

— Then, every 90 sec for 6 rounds:

4 snatches at 70%

Note: any style. Reps do not need to be touch and go


16 min alternating EMOM (4 rounds):

16 American KBS, 24/16kg

8 toes to bars

16/13 cal row

Max plank hold in the minute


Part A

3 rounds for time:

2/arm KB turkish get ups

4/arm single arm KB clean and jerks 24/16 kg

8/arm single arm KBS 24/16 kg

32 double unders

Time cap: 13 min

Part B

16 min alternating EMOM (4 rounds):

16 American KBS, 24/16kg

8 toes to bars

16/13 cal row

Max plank hold in the minute