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Workout of the day – Friday July 5th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds:

20 band pullaparts

5 inch worms

20 sec handstand hold

5 no pushup burpees

Push presses

5×5 buildling


14 min AMRAP:

1 Toes-to-bar**

12/9 cal row

1 wall walk**

** Add one rep to the gymnastics movements each round.

Goal: 7+ rounds


Part A

16 min alternating EMOM:

1 Turkish Getups per side AHAP

12 double KB push presses

16 ab-mat situps

8 med ball seated throws for height

Part B

14 min AMRAP:

1 Toes-to-bar**

12/9 cal row

1 wall walk**

** Add one rep to the gymnastics movements each round.

Goal: 7+ rounds