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Workout of the day – Friday June 28th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds:

10 banded good mornings

10 alternating high box step ups

5 per side KB windmills

Back squat

In 20 min, establish a 3 rep max back squats

Suggested warm-up:

5 reps at 40%

5 reps at 50%

3 reps at 60%

2 reps at 70%

1 rep at 80%

1 rep at 90%

Then first attempt of a heavy 3

Compare to the week of May 13th


For time:

21-15-9 reps of:

Deadlifts 205/145 lbs

Handstand pushups

Wall balls 20/14 lbs

Goal: complete all movements in 2 sets or less each round.

Time cap: 13 min


Part A

15 min alternating EMOM:

12 double DB front squats 50/35 lbs

12 alternating weighted box step overs 24/20 in – KB 16/12 kg

20 abmat situps

Part B

4 rounds of 3 min AMRAP with buy-in, with 1 min rest between:

Buy-in: 400m/320m row

Then in the remaining time of the 3min interval, AMRAP:

6 wall balls 20/14 lbs

6 pushups