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Workout of the day – Friday March 14th

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:
10 banded good mornings
2 wall walks
10 alternating bird-dogs
20 hollow rocks

Open WOD 25.3

For time:
5 wall walks
50-calorie row
5 wall walks
25 deadlifts
5 wall walks
25 cleans
5 wall walks
25 snatches
5 wall walks
50-calorie row
Time cap: 20 minutes
♀ 155-lb (70-kg) deadlift, 85-lb (38-kg) clean, 65-lb (29-kg) snatch
♂ 225-lb (102-kg) deadlift, 135-lb (61-kg) clean, 95-lb (43-kg) snatch

Accessory strength and skills

15 min to complete 3 rounds of the following, for max load:
200 ft. double DB overhead lunges
5 weighted pullups
5/side half kneeling windmills

Scaling: find a good DB weight that allows you to keep both elbows locked out throughout the steps.
For the pullups, find a pullup option which is harder than your usual one: lighter band, ring rows with elevated feet…


Part A

For time:
5 wall walks
50-calorie row
5 wall walks
25 double KB deadlifts 24/16 kg
5 wall walks
25 double DB power cleans 50/35 lbs
5 wall walks
25 double DB snatches 35/20 lbs
5 wall walks
50-calorie row
Time cap: 20 minutes

Part B

15 min to complete 3 rounds of the following, for max load:
200 ft. double DB overhead lunges
5 weighted pullups
5/side half kneeling windmills

Scaling: find a good DB weight that allows you to keep both elbows locked out throughout the steps.
For the pullups, find a pullup option which is harder than your usual one: lighter band, ring rows with elevated feet…