Workout of the day – Friday March 21st
Warm up
6 min AMRAP:
2 inch worms
5 KB sumo DL high pulls
10/8 cal row
Work up to a single rep at ~80%, then lower the load to do 4 sets of 10 at 60%.
Rest as needed between sets. The first rep should be well below your max.
3 rounds of 4 min AMRAP ladder:
2-4-6-… Barbell burpee deadlifts 135/95 lbs
2-4-6-… Shoulder-to-overheads 135/95 lbs
2-4-6-… Single dumbbell overhead lunges 50/35 lbs
— rest 2min between AMRAP
Part A
15 min to perform 4 rounds of:
10 leg pikes over object
10 deficit double KB sumo deadlifts, 4 in deficit (45# plate)
10 feet elevated ring rows
Note: set up 2 plates, one for each leg, with a gap between to allow for the KB to get all the way to the ground.
Part B
3 rounds of 4 min AMRAP ladder:
2-4-6-… Double DB burpee deadlifts 50/35 lbs
2-4-6-… double DB shoulder-to-overheads 50/35 lbs
2-4-6-… Single dumbbell overhead lunges 50/35 lbs
— rest 2min between AMRAP, reset each time from 2 reps
2025 03 20