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Workout of the day – Friday May 17th 2024

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Warm up

2 min cardio of choice

3 rounds:

5/side fire hydrants

5 bootstrap squats

5 empty BB good mornings

Back squat

In 18 min, find a heavy set of 3 back squats

Suggested warm-up:

5 reps at 40%

5 reps at 50%

3 reps at 60%

2 reps at 70%

1 rep at 80%

1 rep at 90%

Then first attempt of a heavy 3


6 rounds for time:

3 cleans 185/135 lbs

3 front squats 185/135 lbs

6 box jumps 24/20 in

Scaling: The barbell should feel heavy, looking for quick singles. Scale to 80-85% of 1RM max clean.

Time cap: 12 min


Part A

16 min to complete 3 rounds of:

12 double DB front squats

12 double DB front rack walking lunges (6 per leg)

12/leg single leg glute bridges

12 DB plank pull throughs (6 per side)

Part B

Every 2 min for 7 rounds for max accumulated reps:

10 box jumps 24/20 in

10 KB goblet squat 24/16 kg

Max wall balls 20/14 lbs

Score: total accumulated wall balls across the workout.

Note: the clock does not reset, and there is no prescribed rest for this workout.