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Workout of the day – Friday October 18th

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Warm up

3 Rounds
30 sec handstand hold / plank hold
10 single arm dumbbell thrusters (5/side)
10 yoga push-ups
5 snow angels face down

Strict press

4×6, increasing


5 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station (15 min total):
1 min double unders
1 min double DB box steps over 24/20 in 50/35 lbs
1 min rest


Part A
4-5 rounds for quality and load:
16 alternating DB seesaw presses
8 DB bench presses
30 sec plate truck drivers

Time cap: 16 min

Part B
5 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station (15 min total):
1 min double unders
1 min double DB box steps over 24/20 in 50/35 lbs
1 min rest