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Workout of the day – Friday September 20th

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Warm up

20 thick band good mornings, then
6 mins AMRAP:
5 L/5 R single arm KBS
5 pullups or ring rows
5 burpees
5 situps


Deadlift 4×5 at 85% of your 4RM from last week, or 75% of your most recent deadlift 1RM, whichever is calculated number is higher if you have both.


15 min alternating EMOM:
100 ft. sandbag carry AHAP
30 sec double KB front rack marches
15 wall balls 20/14 lbs
20-30 sec hanging L-sit hold / knee tuck up hold
12 alternating single DB power cleans 50-70 lbs/35-50 lbs

Note: do not arch back while performing the front rack march steps. Keep your torso neutral and raise knees to just above hip crease. You shuld feel your abs being challenged.


Part A
For time:
3,000m/2,400m row **
** Every 2 min, starting at 2’00”, perform 6 box jumps 24/20 in

Time cap: 18 min

Part B
15 min alternating EMOM:
100 ft. sandbag carry AHAP
30 sec double KB front rack marches
15 wall balls 20/14 lbs
20-30 sec hanging L-sit hold / knee tuck up hold
12 alternating single DB power cleans 50-70 lbs/35-50 lbs

Note: do not arch back while performing the front rack march steps. Keep your torso neutral and raise knees to just above hip crease. You shuld feel your abs being challenged.
Scaling: replace the sandbag carry with double KB front rack carry