Workout of the day – Monday December 16th
Warm up
2 rounds:
5/side thoracic extensions
4 yoga pushups
30 sec ring support hold or box support hold
2 wall walks
10 cal row
Behind the neck snatch grip push presses
5×3 building
Increase from last week – aim for ~85% of snatch 1RM
Deficit snatch high pulls
3×3 at 90% of snatch 1RM with 2 inches deficit (standing on 25 lbs plates)
3 rounds for time:
100 double unders
20 single DB overhead lunges 70/50 lbs
50 ft. handstand walks
Goal: 12 min
Time cap: 15 min
Scaling: It is a highly skilled WOD, which requires strong overhead mobility and strength if performed Rx. Adjust the DB load to be able to snatch it and hold it on one arm for at least 10 lunges. Scale the handstand walk to 5 wall walks or inch worms. Double unders can be scaled to 2 min of DU attempts or 175 single unders.
Part A
4 rounds for load and quality:
30 flutter kicks holding a KB overhead
20 alternating KB gorilla rows
5 DB/KB windmills per side
2 KB Turkish getups per side
Time cap: 18 min
Part B
3 rounds for time:
100 double unders
20 single DB overhead lunges 50/35 lbs
5 wall walks
Goal: 12 min
Time cap: 15 min
Scaling: Adjust the DB load to be able to snatch it and hold it on one arm for at least 10 lunges. Scale the wall walks with inch worms. Double unders can be scaled to 2 min of DU attempts or 175 single unders.
2024 12 15