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Workout of the day – Monday December 2nd

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Warm up

2 rounds
5/side thoracic extensions
30 double unders
5 Cuban presses with 2.5/5 lbs plates in each hand
10 wall facing squats

Behind the neck snatch grip push presses

5×5 building

Snatch pulls

3×5 at 90% of snatch 1RM


9 min AMRAP ladder*:
3 hang power snatches 75/55 lbs
3 overhead squats 75/75 lbs
30 double unders

*Lifting movements increase by 3 reps each round: 3/3/30, 6/6/30, 9/9/30, etc…


Part A
Every 8 minutes for 3 rounds:
From 0:00 to 4:00:
500/400m row
15 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs
— rest until 4:00, then, from 4:00 to 8:00:
400m run
20 KB sumo deadlifts high pulls 24/16 kg
— rest until 8:00, then repeat for a total of 3 rounds (24min)

Part B
12 min AMRAP ladder*:
4 alternating DB snatches 35/25 lbs
4 plate ground to overheads 25/15
30 double unders

*snatches and plate ground to overheads reps increase by 4 reps each round