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Workout of the day – Monday July 1st 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds

5/side thoracic extensions

5 Cuban presses with 2.5/5 lbs plates in each hand

5 empty barbell overhead squats


5 min EMOM:

3 hang snatches

immediately into, 5 min EMOM:

3 snatch high pulls

immediately into, 5 min EMOM:

1 squat snatch

Note: Keep the load under 70% if you plan to test a 1RM snatch (and clean and jerk) on Thursday July 4th


3 rounds for time:

21/18 cal row

15 handstand pushups

9 power snatches**

Barbell load:

Round 1 : 115/80 lbs or 50% of 1RM, whichever is lower.

Round 2: 135/95 lbs or 60%

Round 3: 155/105 lbs or 75%

Time cap: 16 min

Goal: 12 min


Part A

16 min alternating EMOM:

10 single leg RDL (right side)

10 strict toes to bars / hanging knee raises

10 single leg RDL (left side)

10 alternating DB renegade rows 50/35 lbs

Part B

3 rounds of 5 min AMRAP:

30/24 cal row

20 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs

Max XX in the remaining time

— rest 2:30 min between rounds

Round 1 – max burpees

Round 2 – max pushups

Round 3 – max ab-mat situps