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Workout of the day – Monday June 7th

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Warm up
Row 500m, then
3 rounds of:
10 empty BB power snatches
10 kipping swings

Overhead squat
Start with a light weight and build up to a challenging set of 10

For time:
20/16 cal row
10 snatches 95/65 lbs
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
— Rest 3min
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 snatches 95/65 lbs
20/16 cal row

Time cap: 10min


A) 5 rounds:
5/arm half kneeling kettlebell presses
10/arm single Arm KBS
15 Goblet squats
20 situps

B) Every 5 minutes, on the minute, for 5 rounds:
Run 200m
20 dumbbell bent over rows (10 per arm)
20 jumping jacks
20 alternating dumbbell push presses (holding the other dumbbell at the shoulder)