Workout of the day – Monday March 10th
Warm up
2 rounds:
5 yoga pushups
10 empty BB hang clusters
15 groiners
A1 – Shoulder press
5×5, build up to a heavy set for the day
A2 – Double KB sumo deadlifts
Note: Superset the movements, perform the shoulder press then immediately go into the KB sumo deadlifts
Partner conditioning
14 min for max total load lifted, in teams of 2, each partner performing a full rounds before switching:
30 double unders
1 clean complex**
**Clean complex = 1 deadlift + 1 clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 shoulder to overhead
Note: Start around 60% and build up. the goal is to accumulate the max total load successfully lifted across the team.
Part A
5 supersets for load and quality:
A1 – 12 seated double DB shoulder press
A2 – 12 double KB sumo deadlifts
Note: Superset the movements, perform the shoulder press then immediately go into the KB sumo deadlifts
Part B
20 min partner AMRAP, one partner working at a time, split evenly:
20/16 cal row
20 double DB hang squat cleans 50/35 lbs
40 double unders
20 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs
20/16 cal row
20 V-ups
2025 03 09