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Workout of the day – Monday March 24th

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Warm up

2 rounds:
5 yoga pushups
20 alternating plank shoulder taps
10 PVC sotts presses
10 jump squats

Overhead pressing

Part A – Shoulder press
3×10, build up to a challenging set of 10

Part B – Push press
3×8, build up to a challenging set of 8

Skills & Conditioning

16 alternating EMOM, 2 min per station, with the handstand practices counting as 2 stations (2 rounds of each):
90 sec ski for max distance
handstand practice – choose any of the suggested options below
90 sec row for max distance
handstand practice – choose any of the suggested options below

Handstand practice options
Beginners: box pike walk –
Intermediate option 1: 20 box pike shoulder taps, focusing on maintaining stacked trunk over hands, partner to assist to prevent loss of balance –
Intermediate option 2: with the assistance of a partner holding legs/feet, practice free handstand hold while focusing on engagement of shoulders
Advanced option 1: Wall pike handstand, alternating feet to raise off the wall –
Advanced option 2: free handstand practice (not walk!)


Part A

20 min alternating EMOM
10 seated DB shoulder presses
45 sec plank hold
10/side single KB push presses
3 wall walks
10 leg pikes over object


Part B

16 alternating EMOM, 2 min per station (2 rounds of each):
Station 1 – 90 sec ski for max distance
Station 2 – 2 rounds of: 15 double DB deadlifts + 10 alternating renegade rows 50/35 lbs
Station 3 – 90 sec row for max distance
Station 4 – 2 rounds of: 50 ft. double DB overhead carries + 20 plank transitions

Note: focus on form on the overhead carries, maintaining locked out elbows and neutral spine.
Plank transitions: