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Workout of the day – Monday October 14th

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Warm up

2-3 rounds
10 cal machine
5 /side dumbbell suitcase deadlifts
10 empty barbell front rack rear lunges
5 tall box step ups per leg
5 empty barbell good mornings

Back squat

4 supersets
A1. 10 back squats
A2. 8/leg “jumping”Bulgarian split squats

Note: Aim to be explosive on the way up with the goal to have your foot coming off th ground, raising the front knee if possible. No load on the Bulgarian split squats


3 rounds for time:
20 shoulder to overheads 95/65 lbs
20 front rack lunges 95/65 lbs

Time cap: 10 min


Part A
16 min to complete 3-4 rounds of:
12 double DB front squats
50 ft. per leg single leg “broad” jump
12/leg single leg glute bridges
12 DB plank pull throughs (6 per side)

Part B
3 rounds of 4 min AMRAP:
10 DB burpees deadlifts 35/25 lbs
15 DB push presses 35/25 lbs
20 DB front rack lunges 35/25 lbs

— rest 2 min beween AMRAP, reset the AMRAP each time