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Workout of the day – Monday October 7th

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Warm up

6 min rotating through:
6 KB straight arm raises to overheads
6/side single arm KBS
6 each way KB halos in squat
6 no pushup burpees

Olympic lifting (15 min)

Every 90 sec for 3 rounds
3 Low hang muscle snatches, 40-50%
— Then every 90 sec for 3 rounds
3 Low hang power snatches, 55-70%
— Then every 2 min for 3 rounds
3 Low hang squat snatches, 70%+

Low hang = below the knee


4 rounds for time:
12 shoulder to overheads 115/95 lbs
8 chest to bar pullups
4 wall walks + handstand pushup

Note: Wall walk + handstand push consists of one walk walk, performing a wall facing handstand pushup in the upside down position. This is an advanced movement. Members should scale to a wall walk (feet height based on ability) followed by a pike pushup with feet on the ground.
Chest to bars should be preferably scaled to ring rows rather than regular chin over bar pullups. Eleavate feet if needed to make these more challenging, while keeping a full range of motion with hand at chest at the top of the pull.
Shoulder to overheads should be mostly unbroken.
Time cap: 13 min


Part A
For time:
100-100-100 double unders
30-20-10 double KB shoulder to overheads 24/16 kg
30-20-10 single KB snatches 24/16 kg
Note: the rep scheme for the jump rope is the same for all 3 rounds, but decreases for the KB movements. Scale the double unders to 150 single unders.

Time cap: 14 min

Part B
3 rounds for time:
400m run
20 situps
200 ft. single KB farmer’s carry 32/24 kg (100 ft. per side
20 single arm ring rows (10 per arm)
2 wall walks

Time cap: 18 min