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Workout of the day – Saturday December 14th

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

In teams of 2, for time, chipper style, one partner working at a time except for the synchro DB snatches:
10 thrusters 155/110 lbs
25 synchro DB snatches 50/35 lbs
50 strict HSPUs
100/80 cal row
150 deadlifts 155/110 lbs
100/80 cal row
50 pullups
25 synchro DB snatches 50/35 lbs
10 thrusters 155/110 lbs

Time cap: 32 min

Olympic lifting

Part A
10 min to complete 5 sets of:
3 fragmented hang power snatches
Start above the knee, pause in power position before finishing the snatch.
Maintain a load that allows for good mechanics and explosiveness. Start around 50%
Part B
Every 90 sec for 5 sets:
3 BTK hang power snatch
70% of snatch 1RM
Part C
Snatch high pulls
90% of 1RM
Part D
Every 3:30 min for 3 rounds:
15 overhead squats 95/65 lbs
12 burpees over bar
9 power snatches 95/65 lbs