Workout of the day – Saturday December 21st
Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)
Teams of 2, for time, one partner working at a time:
1,600m/1,300m ski or row (split as desired)
— then 12 rounds of (“you-go-I-go” style each partner perform a full round – 6 per partner total):
8 alternating single arm DB hang clean and jerks 50/35 lbs
12 handstand pushups
— then 12 rounds of (“you-go-I-go” style each partner perform a full round – 6 per partner total):
8 burpees
12 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs
— then,
1,600m/1,300m ski or row (split as desired)
Time cap: 38 min
Olympic lifting
Part A
10 min to complete 5 sets of:
3 fragmented power snatches
Pause in low hand position before finishing the snatch (Below knee)
Start around 60% and build
Part B
Every 90 sec for 5 sets:
1 power snatch + 2 BTK hang power snatches
75% of snatch 1RM
Part C
8 min alternating EMOM:
6 snatch high pulls
3 Touch-n-go power snatches
70% of 1RM
Part D
9 min AMRAP:
3 muscle ups (scale 6 chest to bar pullups)
6 snatches 135/95 lbs
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