Workout of the day – Saturday December 7th
Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)
30 min AMRAP – In team of 3:
Partner 1: row for distance
Partner 2: 4 deadlifts, 3 ground-to-overheads, 2 overhead squats, 1 wall walk [BB: 135/95 lbs, DBs: 2×50/35 lbs]
Partner 3: rest
Partner 2 is the time keeper, rotate once partner 2 has completed the full round
This WOD has 2 scores: meters on row, and rounds+reps completed
Olympic lifting
Part A
12 min to complete 5 sets for load of:
3 snatches from 12″ blocks
Keep the load in the 50-60% and focus on extension and explosiveness
Part B
Every 90 sec for 5 sets:
3 position hang power snatch
power position + above knee + 1″ from the ground
70% of snatch 1RM
Part C
Paused snatch high pulls
3×5, pause at below knee for 2 seconds
75% of 1RM
Part D
12 min alternating EMOM:
5 TnG power snatches 60%
10 American KBS
10/8 cal row
2024 12 06