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Workout of the day – Saturday February 22nd

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Warm up

2 rounds:
5/side thoracic extensions
10 plate Da-Vinci raises
10 kip swings
10 empty bar hang clean and jerks / light DBs

Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

30 min partner AMRAP**:
14/12 cal row
8 toes to bars / hanging knee raises
6 hang clean & jerks (BB: 95/65 lbs, DBs: 2×35/25 lbs)
** Partner complete a full round before switching. After completing a round, athlete must complete 30 sec sandbag bear hold (other athlete can start working). After the sandbag, rest until the other athlete is done with their round.

Olympic lifting

Part A
15 min to work up to a heavy triple clean & split jerk
Reps do not need to be touch and go but the set must be completed in less than 40 sec
Part B
Tempo front squat
5×5 withh 33X1 tempo at 60% of clean
Tempo 3 sec down, 3 sec pause, fast up, 1 sec at the top
Part C
12 rounds for time:
1 power clean 155/105 lbs
3 burpees
6 alternating lunges (bodyweight)
Time cap: 11 min
Goal: 35-40 sec per round