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Workout of the day – Saturday July 30th

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Partner WOD

Teams of 2, for time:

120 double DB hang clean & jerks 50/35 lbs

100 toes to bars

80/64 cal row

60 burpees box jumps over 24/20 in

40 double DB burpee deadlifts 50/35 lbs

20 handstand pushups

Time cap: 30 min

Olympic lifting


2 rounds: 5 shoulder external rotations with plates, 10 wall facing squats, 10 PVC passthroughs in squat, 5 PVC snatch balances

Muscle snatch + behind the neck press – 3x(3+1) at 60%

Time cap: 8 min

High halted power snatch + Low halted power snatch + power snatch – 5x(1+1+1) at 65%

Time cap: 10 min

Snatch + Hang snatch – 5x(1+1) at 85%

Time cap: 10 min

Deficit snatch pulls 3×3 at 95%

2 inches deficit

Time cap: 8 min


Tabata KB overhead lunges 24/16 kg

— rest 1 min

Tabata KB high pulls 24/16 kg