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Workout of the day – Saturday June 22nd 2024

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

In teams of 2, for time, one partner working at a time, splitting as desired, except for the burpees:

5,000m/4,000m row

300 double unders

100 American KBS 24/16 kg

50 synchro burpees to target

Time cap: 36 min

Olympic lifting

Part A

Overhead squats

4×3 at 90% of snatch 1RM

Part B

5 min EMOM:

1 power snatch

Immediately into 5 min EMOM:

1 hang snatch

Immediately into 5 min EMOM:

1 snatch

Part C

12 min alternating EMOM:

15 wall balls 20/14 lbs

5 hang snatches at 60%

15 burpees

5 snatches at 60%