Workout of the day – Saturday March 15th
Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)
Teams of 2, one partner working at a time:
100 hang power cleans [BB: 95/65 lbs, DBs: 35/20 lbs]
90 handstand pushups
80/64 cal row
70 wall-balls 20/14 lbs
60 hang power cleans [BB: 115/80 lbs, DBs: 50/35 lbs]
50 handstand pushups
40/32 cal row
30 wall-balls 20/14 lbs
20 hang power cleans [BB: 135/95 lbs, DBs: 50/35 lbs]
10 handstand pushups
Time cap: 28 min
Olympic lifting
Part A
Snatch high pull + Muscle snatch
Build up throughout
Part B
Squat snatch
5×3 at 75 %
Pause 1 sec in the catch
Part C
Overhead squats
5×3 – Build up to a challenging load
Part D
12 min alternating EMOM:
15 wall balls 20/14 lbs
5 hang snatches at 60%
15 burpees
5 snatches at 60%
2025 03 14