Workout of the day – Saturday November 13th
** Week 8 of our 9 week cycle**
Deload week before we test:
3RM front squat (Monday 11/15)
1RM snatch (Wednesday 11/17)
Fran (Friday 11/19)
1RM split jerk (Sunday 11/21)
Warm up
Core activation and shoulder opener wth partner
bar muscle up practice
Wall balls partner drills
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, 30 min AMRAP, partition as desired, only one partner working at a time:
100/80 cal row
80 wall balls 20/14 lbs
60 power snatches 95/65 lbs
40 burpee box jumps over 24/20 in
20 bar muscle ups / 40 chest-to-bar
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, 30 min AMRAP, partition as desired, only one partner working at a time:
100/80 cal row
80 wall balls 20/14 lbs
60 alternating DB snatches 95/65 lbs
40 burpee box jumps over 24/20 in
20 bar muscle ups / 40 chest-to-bars / 60 ring rows
Olympic lifting
Tall cleans 5×3, increasing
Power position power clean + BTK hang squat clean + Clean 5x(1+1+1)
Clean pull + Clean + Jerk 5x(1+1+2)
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