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Workout of the day – Saturday October 12th

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

In teams of 2, for time, one partner working at a time:
2,000m/1,600m row
1,600m run
120 single KB thrusters 24/16 kg
80 ring dips
40 handstand pushups
20 wall walks

Note: break up the row and run in 4 distance intervals and perform relay style on the run.

Time cap: 35 min

Olympic lifting

Part A
Paused overhead squats
4×3 with 3 sec pause at the bottom
Part B
Power snatch
3×3 at 77.5%
Part C
85%, 87.5%, 90%, 87.5%, 85%
Part D
9 min AMRAP ladder:
Hang power snatch 115/80 lbs
Box jumps 24/20 in
Deadlifts 115/80 lbs