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Workout of the day – Saturday September 21st

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

In teams of 2, for time:
“Choose your own adventure” style
100 hang power cleans [BB: 155/105, DBs: 200 reps with 50/35 lbs]
200/160 cal row
600 double unders

Note: choose how you split reps between partners, and the order in which you complete the workout.
You can start with and alternate between any of the 3 movements however you want, you just need to complete all the reps.

Time cap: 33 min

Olympic Lifting

Part A
Snatch balance to parallel

Part B
Power snatch
2 at 72.5%, 2 at 75%, 2 at 75%

Part C
2 at 75%, 2 at 77.5%, 1 at 80%, 1 at 82.5%

Part D
Snatch high pulls
3×3 at 100%

Part E
3 rounds for time:
200m run
15 power snatches 75/55 lbs
10 toes to bars
Time cap: 11 min