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Workout of the day – Sunday July 7th 2024

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Warm up

1 min of couch stretch per leg, then:

2 rounds of:

20 alternating jumping lunges

15 hollow rocks

10 alternating supermen

Back squat

5×5 building


4 rounds of 90 sec for max reps:

15 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

Max handstand pushups in the remaining time.

— rest 30 sec between each round

Then, after the 4 rounds (7:30 min total), and at the 10 min mark:

8 min AMRAP:

8 double DB front rack lunges 50/35 lbs

8 hand release pushups

4 double DB squat cleans 50/35 lbs

4 double DB push presses 50/35 lbs


Part A

15 min alternating EMOM (5 rounds):

12 double KB front rack squats AHAP

12 single DB box step overs 24/20 in, 50/35 lbs

20 abmat situps

Part B

4 rounds of 90 sec for max reps:

15 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

Max handstand pushups in the remaining time.

— rest 30 sec between each round

Then, after the 4 rounds (7:30 min total), and at the 10 min mark:

8 min AMRAP:

8 double DB front rack lunges 50/35 lbs

8 hand release pushups

4 double DB squat cleans 50/35 lbs

4 double DB push presses 50/35 lbs