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Workout of the day – Sunday June 23rd 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 plate halo each way

10 plate overhead squats

10 plate squats with press out

10 plate ground to overheads


5 min EMOM:

1 clean + 1 front squat at 50% of clean

Immediately into 5 min EMOM:

1 clean + 1 hang clean at 60% of clean

Immediately into 5 min EMOM:

1 clean at 70%


Every 3 mins for 6 rounds:

250m/200m Row

10 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs

5 thrusters 95/65 lbs


Part A

18 min to complete 4 rounds of:

25 banded hamstring curls

20 alternating KB goblet squat box steps ups

10 double DB hang squat cleans (unbroken)

10 double DB RDL

Part B

Every 3 mins for 6 rounds:

250m/200m Row

10 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs

10 alternating single DB thrusters 50/35 lbs