Workout of the day – Sunday March 2nd
Warm up
Tabata style, 20 sec on, 10 sec off, 4 rounds of each:
hollow rocks
alternating jumping lunges
plate ground to overhead (light)
Midline strength
4 rounds (~15 min):
10 barbell ab-roll outs
30 sec per leg single leg wall sits
15/12 cal ski sprint
Note: set the calorie target for the ski and aim send it across each of the 4 attempts
For time:
Sumo deadlifts high pulls 75/55 lbs
Burpees over the bar
Time cap: 18 min
Part A
4 rounds (~15 min):
10 barbell ab-roll outs
30 sec per leg single leg wall sits
15/12 cal ski sprint
Note: set the calorie target for the ski and aim send it across each of the 4 attempts
Part B
4 rounds for time:
500m/400m row
4 devil presses 50/35 lbs
8 dumbbell thrusters 50/35 lbs
Time cap: 15 min
2025 03 01